Our Work
We lead from our values.
Almost every organization has values, but ours truly dictate how we act. We believe that Community, Equity, and Compassion embody our vision of a campus where students are equipped for a prosperous Penn State experience.
It's our job to link different pockets of the student body together by fostering conversations and welcoming people in.
Launched the first university-wide Women’s Empowerment Roundtable to foster community and leadership among Penn State women
Collaborated with the International Student Council to create the Penn State Pals mentorship program
Signed the Climate Action Petition to emphasize the importance of sustainable actions in our community
We will help build a sustainable community by giving everyone a voice at the table and ensuring equal opportunity.
Formed the first-ever Justice and Equity Committee to specifically tackle issues surrounding equity at Penn State
Formed “The Disproportionate Effects of COVID-19 on Underrepresented Communities and Solutions Roundtable” in 2020
Collaborated with the Student Disability Resource Office to host Disability Awareness Day
Before we act, we must empathize with and understand differing viewpoints.
Successfully advocated for Alternative Grading for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters to relieve burdens from the pandemic
Annually host Mental Health and Wellness Week to emphasize the importance of self-care and mental health.
Host monthly meet and greets to connect with students and learn more about their needs
Here’s how we’re fighting for you.
Academic Affairs
1) Advocating for strategic academic policy initiatives to limit the cost of college, while integrating sustainability, equity and inclusion, and civic engagement into the student experience
2) Expanding resource awareness and knowledge of student academic rights
3) Fostering symbiotic partnerships with the Faculty Senate, academic college councils, students and student organizations, and greater university community
4) Continuing to provide free test prep materials for graduate school admission exams despite rising prices due to inflation
Campus Operations
1) Advocating for previously under supported groups like students with disabilities, students with on campus jobs, and more
2) Helping increase student readiness for professional career days by expanding the opportunities available to them
3) Expanding upon students knowledge of on campus resources like Fuel Rods, Free Tutoring, public transportation, and more.
Government and Community Affairs
1) Supporting Advocate Penn State to help ensure an affordable and equitable Penn State education
2) Preparing for election awareness for primary elections in the spring and the general election next fall
3) Educating students on their renter’s rights when navigating relationships with landlords and other off-campus housing needs
4) Increasing awareness of the student poll workers position to help keep on-campus voting open and efficient
5) Building capacity for self-sustaining civic engagement and voter registration efforts through establishing a Civic Engagement Roundtable
Justice & Equity
1) Collaborating with organizations across campus to amplify their voices- especially during recognized holidays or month-long observations
2) Creating a guide centered around diversity, equity, and inclusion at Penn State to bring awareness and understanding to students about resources available to them
3) Establishing an Identity Group Roundtable to unify voices at Penn State and foster an environment for collaboration and mutually supportive relationships
4) Including new groups in Justice & Equity’s work that haven’t yet collaborated with the UPUA
5) Increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion for all student identities including racial/ethnic, gender and sexual orientation, veteran status, special needs, and beyond through collaborations, new initiatives, and co-sponsorships
Student Life
1) Hosting “Resource Week” to provide programming informing students about different offices and resources on campus.
2) Collaborating with rso’s and university affiliated offices to promote sexual violence awareness and prevention advocacy and programming
3) Hosting a student leader programming event to promote networking and community building between different organizations
4) Continuing advancing the preparations to launch a safety mobile app that functions similar to the blue light system on campus
5) Creating a quiz/assessment to pair students with RSO’s that might interest them or be a good fit
6) Distributing a survey to students that utilize the free Calm App subscriptions funded through the UPUA

How else can we help?
If it matters to you, it matters to us. We’d love to hear your ideas! Email us and let’s connect.