About Us
We are in your corner!
Every student deserves the right to a safe, inclusive, and prosperous experience at Penn State. But, there’s lots of obstacles that can get in the way. Our job as your student government is to help break those barriers down.
Who We Are
Launched in 2006, the University Park Undergraduate Association—known as “UPUA”—is the student government for Penn State students at University Park. Our core mission is to be the voice and advocate for all students. Whether through passing legislation, voicing student concerns to University leaders, or launching campus-wide initiatives, our work is hands-on and impacts thousands of students.
What Drives Us
The stakes have never been higher. Students need strong, reliable, and proactive representation now more than ever. They seek action, not empty words and promises.
Our 2024-2027 Strategic Plan
We are one body. Three branches.
UPUA is structured just like the federal government, with Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Each branch has their own distinct function and membership, but they all work as part of a system to accomplish UPUA’s mission of being the voice of University Park students.
We’re committed to being transparent about how we operate and open to making changes. From our founding to our struggles to our future, the story of UPUA is one of fighting for students.
Get Involved
Whether it’s your first year on campus or your last, we’re always looking for team players passionate about serving their fellow students.